The Future of Global Missions
This webinar will introduce you to Christian missions around the world and offer a surprising and encouraging view of its future. It will summarize some of the main finding of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press).
In our Christian witness, are non-Christians encountering the Jesus of all peoples?
This webinar will introduce you to Christian missions around the world and offer a surprising and encouraging view of its future. It will summarise some of the main findings of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press).
You will hear remarkable challenges, such as:
- Christians and Muslims together represented only 33% of the world’s population in 1800. By 2020 this is about 57% and is expected to surpass 66% sometime before 2100.
- Evangelicals invest 100 times more church planting efforts where there are many Christians than where there are few.
- An estimated 87% of Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims do not personally know a Christian.
- Our projection for 2050 shows 2 out of 5 non-Christians with no Gospel access or 28% of the world’s population having never heard the Gospel.
Thursday, 28 September 2023
7.30pm to 9.00pm
Online via Zoom
For enquiries, please contact Sam Leow at 6304 3782 or email
Organised by:
Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship and GoForth
Follow us on social media:
Facebook and Instagram @sowerinstitute
About the Speaker(s)
Rev Dr Andrew Peh
BD (Trinity Theological College, Singapore)
ThM (Asbury Theological Seminary, USA)
PhD (Asbury Theological Seminary, USA)
Rev Dr Andrew Peh is a lecturer in mission and world religions at Trinity Theological College (TTC). He is an alumnus of TTC as well as Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore Kentucky, USA. He is ordained as a diaconal minister in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore and is attached to Bukit Panjang Methodist Church. His research interests are in colonial missions history of Southeast Asia (Singapore) and the missions history of East Asia (particularly Japanese Christianity).
Dr. Todd M. Johnson
Todd M. Johnson is the Eva B. and Paul E. Toms Distinguished Professor of Mission and Global Christianity, and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Johnson is visiting Research Fellow at Boston University’s Institute for Culture, Religion and World Affairs leading a research project on international religious demography. He has published encyclopedias, atlases, databases, monographs, and scholarly articles on counting religionists around the world. In particular he has made detailed country-by-country estimates for ethno-linguistic peoples, religious diversity, Pentecostals, Sunnis and Shia’s, and other traditions within the world’s major religions.
Todd Johnson was born in St. Paul, Minnesota but has spent several years in Singapore and Thailand. Todd is married to Tricia and has three daughters, Laura, Claire, and Valerie. As a family, they take pleasure in bike riding, hiking, and international food. Todd enjoys haunting used bookstores, collecting music and film from around the world, and cross-country skiing in the winter. For the past 30 years, he has daily mined Christian history and global Christianity for insights into his own faith journey.